Thursday, September 15, 2011

T minus......

I've finished my "practice" packing of my two gym size bags and am happy to report this year I will be at the 15 pound weight limit on both. No boxes needed for me to ship stuff home! That was so embarrassing last year! I have learned to be an efficient packer.

I have also be busy recording the Injured Marine Semper Fi Funds that are still coming in by check and through my donation site:

To date, I have raised over $17,000 for my 2011 Eastern Seaboard trip. Combine that with the funds I raised on my 2010 cross country trip; which were over $28,000, I have been blessed and fortunate to have raised over $45,000 for The Fund. Thank you so much to my family and all my friends who have supported me through their kind words and donations.

So as I dream of reuniting with my bike, which I hope gets fixed before I pick it up...yes can you say Murphy's Law, when my bike was unpacked they found a broken derailleur hanger. Shades of last year and I didn't even fall on wet railroad tracks!! I'm so ready to get out there and begin my next adventure cycling along the Eastern Seaboard, I've heard it's all down hill from Portland to Daytona Beach!

I hope everyone has an outstanding day and remember to be safe out there.

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