Sunday, October 2, 2011

Our ride this morning began in the rain, no this is not the first day of our ride it's our 12th day. Somethings don't change. Our ride out of Pocomoke, MD took us on wide shoulders and nice surfaces. Six miles into our ride and we hit the Virginia state line. Feels like we were just in Maine a few days ago. So we all stopped to take our picture.

When the rain stopped it was still overcast and windy. This had to be the worst day for head winds of the trip, although I know we're all expecting more as we cycle down the coast. Stayed to long at the SAG and got a bit chilled, but all I had to do was get back on the roads and in a mile or two I was warm again and asking anyone that might be listening to "Please Turn Off The Wind Machine". No one heard me!

Our ride today was 76 miles. At the end of our ride we all boarded the CrossRoads van so that we could be shuttled into Virginia Beach. Since we were going over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, it was not possible to cycle on the bridge or through the tunnels. Not a problem, I was quite happy to ride in the van. I only saw one very flat smooched snake today during our ride.

Dinner tonight was at Ruby Tuesday, again, think this is our third time, but I was fortunate enough to have dinner at Pat and Scot Creech's beautiful house, thank you so much! Dinner was delicious and I so appreciate being able to do my laundry. Thanks for helping me keep my "Laundry Queen" title in check.

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